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Our project is intrinsically linked to the objectives expected from the Erasmus + projects which contribute to the improvement of the situat...

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Institute of Poland


Piotr Potworowski Fine Arts Secondary School in Poznan ( Liceum Plastyczne im. Piotra Potworowskiego w Poznaniu ) is one of the top fine arts schools  in Poland. It is a state school run by the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage.  It is attended by around 200 students  at the age of  16 – 20 years old. They can choose between two majors:  “spatial design “and “visual advertising”. They also take all the obligatory subjects common for all the state high schools which prepare students for higher education.

The art  subjects  taught at school include: painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic and spatial design, photography, film, history of art. Most graduates continue their education at the university; they usually choose architecture, painting, sculpture, graphics, film.

 Some photographs ...

A photography class

A drawing class

Art students

Music show (students)


Some images of the school:

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